Our core belief is the potential to become the beautiful person that resides within each of us. Trinity of Management (ToM) is a killer application off Humanistic Psychology in the field of human enterprise. Using the principles of ToM Facilitators support clients to move obstacles in front of them that stop them growing. Enterprise Facilitation® is a social tool that achieves huge economic outcomes by releasing personal creativity and initiative found in every community regardless of culture, gender and social economic conditions.
The future of every community lies in capturing the passion energy and imagination of its people (Dr Ernesto Sirolli 1985)
Abraham Maslow wrote that: “..it can be assumed that classical economic theory, based as it is on inadequate theory of human motivation, could also be revolutionized by accepting the biological reality of higher human needs, including the impulse of self-actualization and the love for the highest values”(Towards a Psychology of being – 1968).