The Sirolli Institute, established in 1985, is a social enterprise that teaches entrepreneurs corporations, governments and community leaders how to capture the passion of their communities, using the intelligence of local people.
sustainable economic development - A social technology
Convinced that the future of every community lies in capturing the energy, intelligence and passion of its people, “Enterprise Facilitation” was developed by Dr. Ernesto Sirolli as a social technology application to train anyone ready to add tools for sustainable economic development.
Enterprise Facilitation recognizes that the person, rather than the business idea, is of first and foremost importance. Enterprise Facilitators are trained to offer trust. Using Sirolli self diagnostics we successfully guide entrepreneurs and corporations to become more successful.
Enterprise Facilitators are locally trained professionals who provide free and confidential support to entrepreneurs within a client community or a community of intent for as long as it takes to succeed. We see huge ROI’s even starting with one passionate person at a time . Enterprise Facilitators are inclusive. More enterprises, better managed businesses and more stable local livelihoods all have a multiplier effect.
We promote quality local enterprises that ; create jobs, respect the natural environment and cultures and inspires hope and prosperity and a entrepreneurial legacy . “ Development can only be indigenous and is based on what is already present in every community” .(Dr Ernesto Sirolli =Trusted Advisor to the World Indigenous Business Network)
Enterprise Facilitation projects achieve the following results:
Do not use money or tax credits as an enticement to developers and entrepreneurs
EF is a Lean model - avoid expensive physical infrastructures with a lifetime operational costs
May achieve a ROI of up to 7 to 1 in the two years of activity
Increase revenue , tax base and stability for local businesses
Reduces business failures and the impact of failure
Settlement and prosperity for displaced businesses.
Optimize the use of local infrastructure and existing economic development initiatives
Help in retaining youth population and encourages youth employment
Maximize and funnels into existing business services
Build a “parallel economy” to sustain the community long term and leave a legacy
Expedite social licenses to operate for the resourse sector
Risk management strategy for Community Relations wishing to invest in a social legacy
Enterprise Facilitation is based on the passion for innovation. If we come to your community, we are going to find the beauty. There is no geography to intelligence and no geography to passion. Every object we use, the clothes on our backs, our houses, our food, our music, our beliefs and our pathways in the forest are the result of passionate people transforming their talents and visions into good work.
Entrepreneurs Non Profits Extractives ( Oil, Gas, Mining ) Material Companies
Financial Services (Banks) Management Consultants Universities & Educators
Economic Development Organizations IT companies, Start-Ups, New Technology
Innovators Health Services Real Estate Energy Corporations
Tribes Local Government Federal Government